Your Difference Is Your Power. Your Content Should Be Too.


Whether you are launching or growing a business, how you communicate with the world visually, matters. Personal branding photography is one of the most effective ways for you to connect with your audience. Consider that it is not only about showcasing your product or service, those days are long gone, now we live in a world where people want to know who the person behind the scenes is. Who are you? What makes you tick?

We are not one dimensional, the images on your website or social media platforms should not be either. A branding session incorporates a lifestyle feel, with a photojournalism approach and a portraiture finish, all which when combined highlight what makes you - you. The business owner, dog lover, entrepreneur, parent, dreamer, creative, adventurer. The more you can relate to the person on the other side of the screen, the better chances of you gaining a fan and hence a new client.

Here are 3 top why’s Personal Branding Photography can help you grow your business :

  1. Custom photographs that will help you deliver the personality of your brand.

  2. Show authenticity which will build the know/trust/like factor.

  3. Credibility, once established will create engagement and a bigger following.


let’s Break it down



I get it, you are an entrepreneur and you are wired to the ‘Do-It-Yourself’ mindset. When it comes to establishing a strong brand reputation however, the D.I.Y approach might not be the best idea. A successful business requires a team and yes, 1st impressions do matter. Online you have a very short window to make that impression last.

Focus on your strengths instead, the reasons why you chose to do what you are doing. Use that time to define your purpose, create your roadmap. How can you build and continue to grow a strong brand? Take that time to write down how you differ from the rest? What do you want to convey to your audience? How do you want to connect to the world? Once done, let a Personal Brand Photographer like myself come on board and help you highlight all of it, through the most visually-effective way - storytelling sessions.


The big picture is to make you stand out from the crowd by telling your story in an authentic and captivating way. And because it is of great importance to me to do a job well done, I look to work with only 12 clients. The reason? Because my goal is to establish a win-win situation.

Working with a limited amount of clients, benefits us both. It allows me to:

  • Build competency - with a continual partnership I can better understand you and gain a broader insight into comprehending your brand.

  • Build trust - creating a good relationship has positive benefits like , camaraderie that can improve brainstorming for great ideas.

  • Reduce your stress - knowing you don’t have to do everything yourself and that you have a teammate ready and responsible for handling photography.

I love what I do, therefor working with me guarantees you time invested in getting to know you and understanding your brand. A team player, looking to establish long-term relationships with entrepreneurs like yourself, committed to go the extra mile. Someone trust-worthy of your content, who listens and has discretion behind the scenes. Transparency with communication, in being honest about the ideas that can work vs. those that are not as strong.


Investing in professional Personal Branding Photography puts you ahead of the curve, with the opportunity to profit from gaining advantage over your competitors because eye appeal is buy appeal. Having professional photography, tells your potential clients you’re operating with a level of professionalism and most of all, dedication to quality.

By hiring a highly skilled personal brand photographer you:

  • Let people see the real, authentic you, in action.

  • Make a connection between you, your brand.

  • Establish a relationship and credibility with your product.

  • Stay relevant and up to date with a huge library of photos to chose from.

  • Grow your business, customers trust a person more than a faceless brand.

  • Save time and money from your bottom line.


Sometimes all it takes is a smile and some banter to feel more at ease and comfortable in front of the camera, or lots of puppies. Trust the process and know that no picture can be a bad picture when we are capturing the heart & spirit of your brand. No one is going to be yelling “cut! Let’s do that again”, there won’t be awkward poses or a slew of people gather round in a studio setting.

It will be you, doing the things you love in your day to day and me, capturing the hand gestures, facial expressions, laughter and movements that make you, YOU! Simple. Easy. Fun.


Anyone alive today who has an interest in social media will tell you that visual content is king. We shop with our eyes and are persuaded by emotions. It takes 7 seconds to impress a person. You won’t get a 2nd chance once they have clicked away, so make it count!

Hiring a professional Personal Branding Photographer will result in powerful images that convert. Think of it as digital “meal-prepping” a quarter at a time. Photographic ammunition to constantly keep feeding all your social media platforms, including all sources of print form and so forth.

Are you ready?! Let’s do this! Let me help you convey your story. Do not undervalue the tremendous benefit, custom & unique photography can do for your business.


Who are you now?
Who have you decided to become?
Make this decision consciously. Make it carefully. Make it powerfully. Then act upon it.

Tony Robbins

Hello :)

Here are some tidbits about my story

I was born in the city of Guatemala.

I moved to the United States when I was 8.

I found photography my sophomore year at University.

I love working with my hands +DIY projects.

I lived in New Orleans and El Paso.

I have 2 amazing rescued pups, Madi & Max. We found each other in El Paso TX. :)

I am a spiritual person and love anything personal growth.

I believe in freedom to choose.

I think nothing beats a handwritten letter.

My go-to maxim:Keep Going!

My why

Because I want to be of service and connect with like minded individuals who have a dream and a story they too want to share.

Because I love taking pictures.

Because representation matters. And having equal access to services that can help you reach the next level in your venture, is important.

I am of the belief that

Life is much more enjoyable when we help each other out.

When 1 person succeeds, we all succeed.

No matter where you are in life, it is never too late to be whoever you want.

Márquez March15 2019.JPG

Here is how it works

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Contact me and tell me how I can help you. Tell me who you are. What you do. I will get back to you with-in 24 hours.

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We schedule a meet-up either in person, phone call or video chat, to discuss further and in more detail what you have in mind. This gives you an opportunity to get to know me and ask me questions you might have regarding personal branding and how it can work for you. Also this helps us determine if we are a good fit for each other.



We hit it off! We make it official with the signing of the contract and payment. We will then schedule the photoshoot and along with that I will send you a questionnaire, to help you brainstorm the concept of your stories.